New Natalie Imbruglia Anti-Fur Video Released for London Fashion Week
We’ve released a new video, narrated by Australian singing beauty Natalie Imbruglia, that graphically documents the horrific cruelty inherent in the fur industry.
The Pizza Burger
When our very own Sarah C saw the NY Pizza Burger in the news, she was determined to “veganise” it.
Vegan Joan Jett’s Life Story Hits Cinema Screens
Joan Jett recently took to the streets of Manhattan to hand out PETA’s vegetarian/vegan starter kits to New Yorkers.
Cruel UK Abattoir Forced to Close Down
Animal Aid’s investigation revealed that at six out of the seven abattoirs they filmed, workers routinely and intentionally abused animals.
Vegetarian Chantelle Houghton Returns to the ‘Big Brother’ House
Here at PETA, we’re backing the lovely Chantelle Houghton to be the Ultimate Big Brother champ.
Cloning Intensifies Animal Suffering
Recent articles revealing that cloned meat has entered the UK food supply have sparked a debate concerning the potential health risks of eating flesh from cloned animals.
The Doctor (Not the Prime Minister) Really Does Know Best
Countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis also have the highest milk and dairy consumption, and he discusses the link between milk protein and diabetes.
Topless ‘Mermaids’ Protest Fishing
Shoppers and passers-by in Nottingham’s Old Market Square were treated to the sight of two gorgeous PETA “mermaids” in front of the fountain.
Know Someone Who’s Overcompensating for Something?
Anyone driving along the Great Northern Road in Aberdeen earlier this month could not have missed a huge billboard which read, “Are You Overcompensating for Something?”.
Pigging Clever
It isn’t surprising that scientists recently “discovered” that pigs have feelings.