Chick-Hatching Programmes: Not What They’re Cracked Up to Be
The idea of schools putting fertilised chicken eggs in incubators in classrooms and letting students watch the eggs hatch two to four weeks later is missing something important!
Zero Grazing: Hell for Cows
We’re seeing a disturbing increase in the number of applications being submitted to build huge US-style industrial factory farms.
Keep US-Style Factory Farms Out of the UK
With the increasing threat that US-style factory farms might come to the UK, it’s sobering to see what animal care standards are like over there.
On the Menu: Animal Welfare
Impressive Sue Cross’s book On the Menu: Animal Welfare, which comprehensively explores the treatment of animals bred and killed for food in the UK.
Cruel UK Abattoir Forced to Close Down
Animal Aid’s investigation revealed that at six out of the seven abattoirs they filmed, workers routinely and intentionally abused animals.
Cloning Intensifies Animal Suffering
Recent articles revealing that cloned meat has entered the UK food supply have sparked a debate concerning the potential health risks of eating flesh from cloned animals.
The Doctor (Not the Prime Minister) Really Does Know Best
Countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis also have the highest milk and dairy consumption, and he discusses the link between milk protein and diabetes.
Pigging Clever
It isn’t surprising that scientists recently “discovered” that pigs have feelings.
Another Reason to Go Vegan – You Can Help Save Animals AND the Rain Forest!
Most people know that raising animals for food is grossly inefficient; whilst animals eat large quantities of grain, they produce only small amounts of meat, dairy products or eggs.
Undercover Investigation Shows Harrowing Footage Inside UK Slaughterhouses
Although the UK has seen a significant drop in meat consumption since 2005, more than 893 million animals are still killed for meat each year in the country.