Herd of ‘Cows’ Up in Arms Over Dairy Factory Farm
Dairy factory farms deny cows everything that’s natural and important to them and relegate them to a life of suffering and an early death.
World Environment Day: Green Means Vegan!
To mark World Environment Day on 5 June, here a few nuggets of information to any meat-, dairy- and egg-eating “environmentalists” you happen to know.
There’s a Fat Lot to Celebrate During National Butchers Week
Once a year, this week claims to celebrate “butchers’ creativity and passion”, but there is nothing to celebrate about slaughtering and hacking apart innocent, sentient animals.
Missing: Charlie, 2 Days Old! Can You Help?
Charlie is missing! He was torn away from his mother by strangers with evil intentions. Can you help save him?
Pow! Owain Yeoman Slams Proposed Industrial-Size Dairy in Wales
In Owain Yeoman’s opinion, it doesn’t take a mentalist to see that factory farming is a recipe for disaster.
Video: Climate Change 2.0: Chomped if We Want It!
Livestock industry responsible for a very significant proportion of global greenhouse-gas emissions.
PETA’s ‘Pig’ and ‘Cow’ Join the 99 per Cent
Last week, PETA’s loveable “pig” and “cow” joined the protesters at St Paul’s Cathedral.
Victory for Cows! Nocton Dairies Withdraws Cow ‘Prison’ Application in Lincolnshire
PETA staff celebrate the news that the company they fought to defeat, Nocton Dairies, has withdrawn their plans to build an intensive dairy unit in Lincolnshire.
Cosmetic Changes at Nocton Mega-Dairy
Nocton Dairies Ltd, resubmitted their plans last week to build their giant cow “prison” in Lincolnshire – bringing a US-style intensive dairy factory farm to the UK.
Zero Grazing: Hell for Cows
We’re seeing a disturbing increase in the number of applications being submitted to build huge US-style industrial factory farms.