Fortnum & Mason: Don’t Be a…
Katharina Fritsch’s 4.72-metre-high Hahn/Cock – aka “the big blue cock” – is probably the most eye-catching new landmark in London.
“After you rip their claws and their tails off … they’ll crawl across the floor and everything.”
There are things that no sentient animal should ever have to endure…
Four Kickass Successes in the Campaign Against Foie Gras
We were delighted to hear recently from three supporters who have been successful in getting foie gras removed from local businesses!
Our Appeal to UEFA – Please Keep Ritual Slaughter off the Football Pitch
PETA appealed to the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) President Michel Platini asking him to ban the ritual slaughter of animals in European football.
Just Another Day in the Office
PETA’s always had a diverse workforce. But one staffer in particular stands out – our campaign goose!
Seal Kept Behind Bars as Allegedly Abusive Zookeeper Walks Free
A senior zookeeper at Bristol Zoo has allegedly lashed out violently and punched a fur seal, simply because the animal put a flipper on a set of scales.
PHOTOS: Force-Feeding Outside Fortnum & Mason
Could you eat 20 kg of corn in one day? That’s the human equivalent of what ducks and geese have rammed down their throats daily on foie gras farms.
Duchess Declares Foie Gras Production ‘Truly Awful’
The Dowager Duchess of Hamilton has written to Fortnum & Mason boss Ewan Venters on behalf of PETA to express her strong disapproval of the store’s profiting from torture.
Uri Geller Offers Ewan Venters Psychological Help to Quit Foie Gras
Magician, psychic and spoon-bender extraordinaire Uri Geller has sent Fortnum & Mason CEO Ewan Venters a novel proposal.
Putting the ‘Brakes’ on UK Foie Gras Sales
Brakes Group UK, one of the UK’s leading foodservice providers, has confirmed to PETA that it will no longer offer foie gras on its menus.