The Hobbit: PETA’s ‘Horses’ Crash the Premiere
PETA supporters converged outside the ODEON Cinema in Leicester Square at the premiere of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.
French Screen Legend Brigitte Bardot Joins Call for Mali’s Release
Brigitte Bardot points out in a letter to Philippines ambassador that elephants in zoos suffer both physically and psychologically when confined and separated from other elephants.
Morrissey Stands Up for Elephants
Morrissey lent the spotlight at his recent Boston, Massachusetts, gig to help get the word out about elephants suffering in a circus act.
PETA Activists Help Fight for Mali’s Freedom
Our fantastic activists gathered outside the Philippines Embassy to urge the ambassador to take action and help free Mali the elephant from her life of suffering.
The Manila Zoo Has Failed Mali
Dr Jane Goodall joined the effort to help Mali by writing to the Philippines president to support his directive ordering that Mali be transferred to a sanctuary.
David Cameron, Stop Clowning Around – Ban Wild Animal Circuses Now!
Despite having been instructed by Parliament in 2011 to get wild animals out of circuses, David Cameron has been heel-dragging and stalling on implementing a ban.
Wild-Animal Circus to Close!
PETA has been working hard to get the government to introduce a complete ban on wild animals in circuses.
Pamela Anderson in tears for Sunder the elephant
Pamela Anderson is the latest to write to politicians following PETA India’s discovery that Sunder, a young elephant held in a temple, is being abused by his handler.
VICTORY: Air China Will Stop Shipping Monkeys to Laboratories
Following vigorous campaigning by PETA and its affiliates, Air China has confirmed that it’s joining nearly every other airline worldwide by refusing to transport primates to laboratories.
PETA Protesters Lie Naked in Pamplona to Protest Bullfights
Dozens of PETA activists protested against the cruel Running of the Bulls in Pamplona and the deadly bullfights that follow.