Octopuses – the Boffins of the Depths?
Weymouth’s Sea Life aquarium launched an appeal to its visitors asking them not to eat octopuses because they are “as intelligent as the average pet dog”.
Our Appeal to UEFA – Please Keep Ritual Slaughter off the Football Pitch
PETA appealed to the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) President Michel Platini asking him to ban the ritual slaughter of animals in European football.
Seal Kept Behind Bars as Allegedly Abusive Zookeeper Walks Free
A senior zookeeper at Bristol Zoo has allegedly lashed out violently and punched a fur seal, simply because the animal put a flipper on a set of scales.
Paul McCartney Speaks Out for Mali the Elephant
Mali has spent 35 years at the Manila Zoo, where she endures intense confinement, boredom, loneliness and isolation in an area fraction of the size of her natural habitat.
Bravo, Belgium! Country on Track to Ban Circuses That Use Wild Animals
A victory for compassion in Belgium came this week, as the government ratified a law to ban the use of wild animals in circuses.
Wild-Animal Circuses: A Partial Ban Isn’t Good Enough
After a public consultation and messages from thousands of compassionate people, the government announced that it would ban the use of all wild animals in circuses in England by 2015.
48 Coffins for 48 Bulls
Bulls die bloody deaths in Pamplona. At the ‘running of the bulls’, animals are herded staright to the bullfighting arena. Our striking protest highlights the cruelty.
Dutch Parliament Votes Against EU Bullfighting Subsidies
Yesterday, the Dutch Parliament unanimously adopted a resolution against European Union subsidies which prop up the Spanish bullfighting industry.
Destination: Pamplona
Every year, in the city of Pamplona in northern Spain, there’s a massacre.
True Spanish Culture? It’s Not About Cruelty, Says Charo
Charo is something of an authority on Spanish culture – so she knows what she’s talking about when she declares that bullfighting does not belong in modern Spain.