UN: Violent Bullfighting Goes Against Children’s Rights
The United Nations (UN) has stated that being forced to watch the barbaric spectacle is incompatible with children’s rights.
Marius Isn’t the Only One: 6 Other Animals Who Recently Died Needlessly in Captivity
Marius, an 18-month-old giraffe killed by a zoo in Denmark, isn’t the only animal who recently died for no reason in captivity.
VIDEO: Action for Marius at Copenhagen Zoo
The public killing of Marius, the 18-month-old giraffe, at Copenhagen Zoo on Sunday, prompted PETA Germany to send its own message to the zoo’s managers.
RIP Marius – Young Giraffe Killed by Zoo
Yesterday, Marius, an 18-month-old giraffe, was killed by the Copenhagen Zoo and fed to lions, as he was considered useless for breeding.
Why Are These Penguins Taking Antidepressants?
It was reported this week that the Humboldt penguins at Scarborough Sea Life Sanctuary have been prescribed antidepressants because they’re so unhappy.
UPDATE: Orcas No Longer to Be Displayed at Sochi Olympics but Still Languishing in Captivity
Almost 10,000 people sent messages to Russian authorities asking that two wild orcas who were captured last year be released back into the ocean.
‘Blackfish’ Still Making Waves: BAFTAs, Celebrities, Demos and More
The film Blackfish – a compelling documentary about how orcas are imprisoned, exploited and driven mad by SeaWorld – is still making a splash, months after it was released.
Why Animal Lovers Are Staying Away From ‘The Hobbit’
Here’s a reminder of how horses, goats, sheep and other animals suffered during the making of the Hobbit trilogy, An Unexpected Journey.
Ricky Gervais and Morrissey Denounce the Lion Killer, Melissa Bachman
Looking perversely pleased with herself as she posed for a photo over the beautiful lion she had just killed, the hunter Melissa Bachman has sparked understandable outrage.
Hurrah! No More Elephants to Be Enslaved by Indian Circuses
After a nine-month-long investigation, the Animal Welfare Board of India has just decided to end the registration of elephants for performances in circuses.