You Me At Six’s Josh Franceschi Takes On SeaWorld
“I think we live in a society now where people should be told the truth …” said You Me At Six lead singer Josh Franceschi after seeing the Blackfish.
Bullfighting: A Global Update
Efforts to end cruel bullfighting are ramping up, as people from all corners of the globe recognise that stabbing a frightened animal to death is not “entertainment”.
Landmark Victory! India Ends Jallikattu, Bull Races and Bullfights
This week, we’re celebrating an enlightened move that will save a huge number of animals from being abused for entertainment in India.
Court Rules That Sunder WILL Be Free!
We have some excellent news today that is bound to bring a smile to the face of anyone who has heard the story of Sunder.
Scotland’s Ban on Wild-Animal Circuses – Let’s Make History
Scotland is considering introducing a ban on the use of wild animals in circuses – but we need your help to make sure that it happens.
The Grand National: 9 Things They Don’t Tell You About Horse Racing
With the Grand National underway, there’s one thing that’s a safe bet – horses will suffer.
Darren Aronofsky Reveals the Secret Behind the Animals of Noah’s Ark
Digitally created animal characters are the future of filmmaking, and Noah director Darren Aronofsky would know!
11 Facts That Will Make You Love Elephants Even More
Elephants are magnificent, fascinating animals. Here are some facts you may not know about them – and two ways to speak out for elephants who are suffering in captivity.
University of Stirling Cancels Plans for Petting Zoo!
When we found out that the University of Stirling’s student union had hatched a misguided plan to host a petting zoo on campus.
6 Dogs Who Are Winning at Crufts – but Losing at Life
Ever wondered why the RSPCA refuses to attend Crufts? Or why the BBC will no longer air the dog show on any of its channels? Selectively breeding animals…