‘Barbaric and Shameful’: Oliver Stone Speaks Out Against MOD Pig Mutilation
Oliver Stone is disgusted by the UK military’s use of live pigs as targets in training drills – and he’s not afraid to speak his mind.
Victory! 70 Beagles Rescued From Tests!
Beagles in laboratories spend their lonely lives in cages and are often poisoned with drugs, burned with chemicals or cut open in experimental surgical procedures.
WINNING: Full Ban on Animal-Tested Cosmetics in the EU Looking Good!
Testing cosmetics on animals is already outlawed in the EU, but starting at March, companies that test elsewhere won’t be able to sell their products here either.
‘Homeland’ Creator Demands End to Military’s War on Animals
Gideon Raff, creator and executive producer of Channel 4 series Homeland, knows torturing animals is not needed to produce one of the most capable fighting forces in the world.
Cosmetics: Is Change Finally Coming?
Rumours suggest that the 2013 EU sales ban on animal-tested cosmetics could be weakened or delayed.
Revealed: MoD Killing Animals for Cruel Training
The UK military participated in invasive and deadly animal-based trauma training exercises in Denmark.
Support for Animal Experiments Decreasing as Mistrust in Scientists and the Rules Governing Animal Experiments Grows
More than one in three people now identify themselves as “objectors” to the use of animals in medical research.
UK Among the Few NATO Nations That Use Animals for Military Training
More than three-quarters of NATO allies use simulators or other non-animal models because they recognise that animal training bears no resemblance to real battlefield conditions.
Update on new animal experiments law
The government sent PETA its proposed new law on animal experiments – the one resulting from the long, long process of translating the 2010 EU directive passed into UK law.
VICTORY: Air China Will Stop Shipping Monkeys to Laboratories
Following vigorous campaigning by PETA and its affiliates, Air China has confirmed that it’s joining nearly every other airline worldwide by refusing to transport primates to laboratories.