The New EU Cosmetics Testing Ban – Your Questions Answered
You’ve probably heard the good news – as of 11 March 2013, cosmetics tested on animals can no longer be sold in Europe, even if the testing happened outside the EU.
First Class! China Eastern Airlines Stops Shipping Primates to Labs
Yet another airline has seen the light and taken a stand against trafficking monkeys for cruel animal tests.
Final Appeal: Please Take Action Now for the AstraZeneca Beagles
Ever since pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca decided to close its dog-breeding facility in Sweden, the fate of more than 300 beagles has been hanging in the balance.
Victoria Silvstedt’s Plea for the AstraZeneca Beagles
Swedish former Playboy model Victoria Silvstedt was horrified when she heard that over 300 dogs may be shipped from her home country to UK laboratories for cruel animal tests.
Victory! Commissioner Confirms That EU Cosmetics Testing Ban Will Go Ahead
We’re delighted by the fantastic news that a ban on the sale of animal-tested cosmetics in the EU will come into effect in March of this year.
Terrified Monkey Returns From Wasteful Trip to Space – PETA Comments
We are appalled by photos of a visibly terrified monkey crudely strapped into a restraint device in which he was allegedly launched into space by the Iranian Space Agency.
Were Animals Poisoned in Unauthorised Chemical Tests? PETA Complaint Triggers EU Inquiry
In 2011, we learned that animals may have been poisoned and killed in toxicity tests that should never have taken place, as part of the EU’s chemical testing programme.
Dave Navarro Rocks the Cruelty-Free Look
Appearing naked, with bleeding eyes, musician Dave Navarro’s new PETA ad is pretty dark, even for someone known for his edgy sense of style.
Israel Bans Animal-Tested Products
PETA and our affiliates are working to end the testing of cosmetics and household products on animals in countries around the world.
Further Suffering Averted – PETA Pressure Helps Prevent Weakening of UK Animal Testing Regulations
Support for animal testing in the UK is declining. The government still needs to more to help the millions of animals who are suffering in labs across the country.