Live-Animal Trauma Training Needs to End
Did you know that the British Army “trains” personnel by making them shoot, stab and break the bones of live pigs?
Relief in Sight for Animals in Chinese Laboratories
The 3T3 Neutral Red Uptake Phototoxicity Assay is in the process of becoming approved as China’s first government-approved non-animal testing method for cosmetics ingredients.
PETA Funds Pioneering New Non-Animal Testing Method!
We’ve always known that non-animal testing techniques, which are more reliable and free from cruelty, are possible.
Enough Is Enough: Latest Figures Reveal Millions of Animals Tortured in UK Experiments
Home Office’s latest figures on animal testing in the UK: 4.11 million animals were the victims of experiments in this country in 2012.
Success! Philippine Airlines Stops Shipping Primates to Labs
Philippine Airlines will no longer transport primates to laboratories to be used in experiments – a policy change that could save hundreds of monkeys from being trafficked for animal tests.
Fantastic News! India Announces End to Cosmetics Testing on Animals
Following a campaign by PETA India and MP Maneka Gandhi, the Drug Controller General of India, announced that testing cosmetics on animals will not be permitted in India.
Air India: Cruelty Shouldn’t Fly
Because of pressure from animal experimenters, Air India has backtracked on the ban and resumed shipping animals for use in cruel laboratory experiments.
Readers’ Tips for Ethical Beauty
Earlier this month, as part of a competition to win some ethical shampoo, we asked you for your cruelty-free beauty tips – and were totally overwhelmed by the response!
Stop Air France From Shipping Monkeys to Their Deaths!
Cruelty is in the air, as a result of the shipments of terrified monkeys to laboratories in the cargo holds of some Air France flights. Use your voice to help these animals.
Today’s the Day – Europe’s Cosmetics Testing Ban Starts NOW
Wonderful news! New law puts and end to cruel animal testing for cosmetics in Europe.