Bill Oddie Takes BBC Bosses to Task for Promoting Foie Gras

Posted by on June 7, 2012 | Permalink

Former BBC wildlife presenter Bill Oddie has condemned the BBC for promoting cruelly produced foie gras on BBC Two’s Great British Menu and on a number of its websites. In a scathing letter fired off to BBC bosses on behalf of PETA, Oddie adds his “voice to the distaste and disappointment at the BBC’s apparent lack of awareness or, perhaps – worse still – moral concern” in promoting a product so vile that it is illegal to produce in the UK.

“By featuring and publicising chefs and recipes involving foie gras, the BBC is condoning dreadful cruelty”, writes Oddie. “It would be admirable if the BBC would literally and publicly disown the production and consumption of foie gas.”

Oddie, who proclaims to represent a “historic link to BBC TV”, is joined by thousands of concerned citizens who have also contacted the BBC demanding that all promotions of the very un-British foie gras be removed from the license payer–funded service. Join them, and call on the BBC to stop promoting “torture in a tin”.
