Australia to End Live Export of Sheep
Thanks to decades of work by intrepid investigators, dedicated campaigners, and supporters of PETA entities around the world, the Australian government has finally set a date to end the live export of sheep by sea. Thank you to everyone who has sent the Australian high commissioner a message.
Australia’s Live-Export Industry
Investigations into Australia’s live-export industry have repeatedly found that animals endure dehydration, starvation, and illness and the discomfort and stress of being tossed about on rough seas, trampled by their shipmates, or suffocated in their own faeces.
While we’re relieved that an end is finally in sight for sheep, the government has no excuse for allowing them to suffer in these horrific conditions for another four years.
Wool Is the Root Cause
Did you know that Australia is the world’s largest exporter of wool and live sheep? The wool and live-export trades are intertwined. You can help sheep right now by ditching wool in favour of vegan fibres. Learn more about how the wool industry harms sheep:
What About Other Animals?
Sheep are not the only victims of this cruel trade. An October 2023 PETA exposé showed that animals imported from Australia are still being butchered alive by workers in Indonesia, even though the Australian government insisted that the gruesome practice had been stopped.
Two animals with Australian ear tags were seen thrashing around on an abattoir floor after workers slit their throats. Both animals were still kicking and one was heard gurgling as they were dragged by their legs across the filthy floor and hoisted. One of them continued to struggle until a worker cut deeper into their throat.
Despite a government assurance scheme, cruelty is systemic in the industry because there are no meaningful consequences for non-compliance.
Send the Australian High Commissioner a Message
Take action by calling on the Australian high commissoner to end live export – not only for sheep but for all animals – immediately.
What About the UK?
The UK government has long promised to end live export. It committed to a ban in its 2019 manifesto and its 2021 Action Plan for Animal Welfare. It’s time to put words into action.