PETA Requests Memorial Plaque at Site of New Spalding Animal Sculptures
5 March 2025
PETA Requests Memorial Plaque at Site of New Spalding Animal Sculptures
Spalding, Lincolnshire – Ahead of the unveiling of a herd of sheep and cow sculptures celebrating Spalding’s “livestock” markets next weekend, PETA sent a letter to Spalding and District Civic Society requesting that it include a memorial plaque at the site to commemorate the cows and sheep who were exploited at the town’s markets and slaughtered for their flesh.
The image is also available here.
“Animals aren’t ‘stock’; they are thinking, feeling individuals with unique personalities – just like the residents of Spalding,” writes PETA Vice President of Corporate Projects Dawn Carr. “With the addition of a small plaque, Graeme Mitcheson’s beautiful sculptures could memorialise the countless animals who were forced through Spalding’s markets to feed our appetite for their flesh.”
Millions of cows and sheep – intelligent, sensitive individuals who experience pain and fear – endure short, miserable lives in the meat and dairy industries. Sheep undergo painful mutilations, such as tail-docking and castration, without painkillers, and cows exploited for dairy are repeatedly forcibly impregnated, only to have baby after baby taken from them so humans can drink their milk. They’re all subjected to a terrifying trip to an abattoir and a violent, painful death. Many are ineffectively stunned and killed while still conscious.
PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat” – points out that Every Animal Is Someone and offers free Empathy Kits. For more information, please visit or follow PETA on Facebook, X, TikTok, or Instagram.
Lucy Watson +44 (0) 20 7837 6327; [email protected]