Breaking: PETA ‘Model’ Crashes Burberry Catwalk at London Fashion Week


London – Today, during Burberry’s fashion show at the National Theatre, a PETA activist stormed the runway to urge consumers to reject leather. Wearing a dress reading, “Animals Aren’t Fabric” and carrying a sign saying, “F*ck Leather!” the activist sought to send the message that it’s time for Burberry – and all designers – to stop profiting from animal abuse. A video of the action is available here.

“Every leather bag or jacket came from the body of an animal who felt pain and terror and didn’t want to be carved up for a fashion statement,” says PETA Senior Campaigns Manager Kate Werner. “Burberry should remember that the future of fashion lies in innovative vegan materials like leathers made from pineapple, cork, mushroom, or apple – fashion-forward fabrics that leave sentient beings in peace.”

A PETA exposé of the global leather trade revealed that animals were transported for weeks without adequate food, water, or rest and confined in filthy conditions. Weakened animals were hoisted up by the legs and dragged off ships with cranes. Cows’ throats were often slit with dull knives while they were fully conscious, leaving them to bleed out slowly, terrified and in agony.

Today’s event was PETA supporters have disrupted a Burberry fashion show, and in July, the group also stormed the company’s annual meeting to call attention to the rampant cruelty in the cashmere industry.

PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear” – opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview. For more information about PETA’s investigative newsgathering and reporting, please visit or follow the group on Facebook, X, TikTok, or Instagram.


Sascha Camilli +44 207 923 6244; [email protected]

