PETA Campaigner Arrested in Ethiopia for Helping Monkeys

Posted by on July 19, 2024 | Permalink

PETA Campaign Leader Reuben Skeats and PETA Asia Senior Vice President Jason Baker and his 11-year-old son were imprisoned – held on mattresses on the floor of a jail in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. They were arrested while scouting for a future demo location in that city at the Ethiopian Airlines ticket office on Churchill Road. They were planning to stage a demonstration wearing prison uniforms and monkey masks outside the company’s headquarters to demand that it stop cramming endangered monkeys into tiny crates and shipping them halfway around the globe to be mutilated, tormented, and ultimately killed in laboratories. After more than 24 hours in jail, they have now been deported from the country.

Reuben Skeats is pictured right.


They were detained simply for speaking up for monkeys who are suffering because Ethiopian Airlines ships them to laboratories, where they may be poisoned, electrocuted, or face other horrors. The real crime is what’s being done to these monkeys.

Reuben and Jason and his son will be home soon – unlike the thousands of monkeys who are torn from their families and sent halfway around the globe to die in US laboratories. Ethiopian Airlines is contributing to this misery, and it’s one of the few airlines in the entire world willing to do so. Shame on them. PETA and our supporters around the world will continue to urge the company to do the right thing.

Ethiopian Airlines’ Secret

Monkeys transported to laboratories are packed into tiny wooden shipping crates and forced to sit in their own faeces, urine, and blood during an hours-long journey. The terrified animals are then driven to a laboratory, where they may be deprived of food and water, mutilated, poisoned, forcibly immobilised in restraint devices, infected with painful and deadly diseases, psychologically tormented, used in a battery of other excruciating experiments, and ultimately killed.

Anima Denmark

Send the Airline a Message

Please help back Reuben, Jason, and his son by speaking up for monkeys. Send a message to the airline now requesting that they stop all further shipments of living, feeling beings: