PETA France Takes Over Paris With Projections Targeting Olympics Partner LVMH


Paris – As France’s capital prepares to host the 2024 Olympic Games, PETA France has shone a light on the cruelty perpetuated by Olympic partner LVMH’s use of exotic animal skins by projecting a provocative video across some of the city’s most iconic landmarks, including Place Vendôme, during a star-studded Vogue fashion event attended by celebrities and fashion designers, including Pharrell Williams, men’s creative director for LVMH-owned brand Louis Vuitton.

Photos of the projections are available here, and a video is available here.

The projection – which features the message “Louis Vuitton: Drop Exotic Skins”, a parody of the official Olympic mascot, and shocking investigation footage of crocodiles being slaughtered – stole the show at last night’s Vogue World event, a function celebrating fashion and sport. PETA France’s disruption spotlighted the fact that torturing animals is neither chic nor in keeping with the Olympic values of friendship, respect, and excellence.

The thought-provoking projection also illuminated the Eiffel Tower, and the Louis Vuitton hotel on the Champs-Élysées.

“If extreme cruelty to animals were an Olympic sport, Paris 2024’s premium partner LVMH – the parent company of Louis Vuitton, Dior, and Fendi – might just take home a gold medal for selling the skins of violently slaughtered crocodiles, snakes, ostriches, and other wild animals,” says PETA Vice President for Europe Mimi Bekhechi. “The world is watching, and consumers need to know that the Olympics are being sponsored with blood money. Every time you buy anything made of someone’s skin, you fund immense animal suffering.”

The PETA Asia investigation footage featured in the projection shows crocodiles gushing blood as workers at a slaughterhouse linked to Louis Vuitton cut open their necks and ram metal rods into their spines while the animals are still alive and moving. Crocodiles can remain conscious for up to an hour after their spinal cord has been severed.

At one supplier to Louis Vuitton, investigators found around 5,000 crocodiles being kept in small, concrete enclosures – some narrower than the length of their bodies. Other PETA exposés have revealed snakes at LVMH-linked abattoirs being bludgeoned with hammers, pumped full of water, and skinned – likely while they’re still conscious – and terrified ostriches being struck in the face, forced into stun boxes, and slaughtered in full view of their terrified flockmates.

PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear” – opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview. For more information, please visit or follow the group on Facebook, X, TikTok, or Instagram.


Sascha Camilli +44 (0) 20 7837 6327; [email protected]

