Ad Van Calls On Jet2holidays to Drop Marine Abusement Parks

Ad Van Calls On Jet2holidays to Drop Marine Abusement Parks

 Leeds – Today, as part of its campaign calling on Jet2holidays to stop profiting from marine abusement parks, PETA had an unmissable mobile billboard drive around the Leeds-based company’s office with a powerful message for “Jet2helldays”: “Don’t Support Marine Abusement Parks. Orcas Suffer in Captivity!” 

The mobile billboard also travelled to Leeds Bradford Airport and the city centre to tell the public that Jet2holidays still hasn’t done right by animals and dropped marine parks. Despite being provided with clear evidence of cetacean suffering and death at these hellholes, the travel giant continues to promote these exploitative tourist attractions and profit from dolphins’ misery.

A high-resolution image of the mobile billboard is available here.

 Earlier this month, the group staged an orca “die-in outside Jet2’s annual meeting in London, where a PETA representative explained to the board that cetaceans suffer and die prematurely in marine parks like Loro Parque in Tenerife – a venue that Jet2holidays promotes and sells tickets to.

“PETA’s message to Jet2 is circling Leeds just like orcas and dolphins can only swim in endless circles in tiny tanks,” says PETA Senior Campaigns Manager Kate Werner. “We’re calling on Jet2holidays to catch up with the rest of the travel industry and stop profiting from marine mammals’ misery.”

 PETA notes that while orcas in nature form complex relationships, work cooperatively to find food, and traverse up to 150 miles of ocean every day, those at marine parks are housed alone or in incompatible groups in cramped tanks. They are imprisoned for decades and forced to perform demeaning tricks for tourists, and the majority die far short of their natural life expectancy.

 PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to use for entertainment” – opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview. For more information, please visit or follow the group on FacebookX (formerly Twitter)TikTok, or Instagram.


Lucy Watson +44 (0) 20 7837 6327; [email protected]
