PETA Sends Vegan Chocolates to Fur-Free Vogue Scandinavia
PETA Sends Vegan Chocolates to Fur-Free Vogue Scandinavia
Stockholm – Ahead of Vogue Scandinavia’s much-anticipated launch in August, PETA has sent editor-in-chief Martina Bonnier vegan chocolates to celebrate the confirmation that the magazine – Vogue’s 28th edition – will not feature fur in any of its editorials.
PETA notes that the magazine’s policy is in line with the rest of the Scandinavian fashion industry. Designers such as Ann-Sofie Back, Skall Studio, HOPE, and many others are fur-free, and the fashion weeks in Helsinki and Oslo refuse to show fur on their runways. Most recently, Stockholm Fashion Week showcased catwalks free of fur and exotic skins in 2020.
“Today, no cutting-edge designer would dream of using the fur of a mink or fox who was killed and skinned, and Vogue Scandinavia’s fur-free policy reflects a powerful shift in the industry,” says PETA Director Elisa Allen. “PETA looks forward to seeing other fashion magazines follow its progressive example – including Vogue’s flagship US edition.”
Vogue Scandinavia has already made headlines for its sustainability efforts, which – as PETA noted in its correspondence with Bonnier – go hand-in-hand with a fur-free policy. Fur, which is treated with chemicals such as formaldehyde and chromium to prevent it from rotting, is one of the least sustainable materials in fashion; an independent study found that, compared with other materials, fur has a higher environmental impact on 17 out of 18 factors tested, including its contribution to climate change and toxic emissions.
Exposés of the fur industry in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden found minks with open wounds crammed into wire cages so small that some resorted to cannibalism because of stress, foxes and minks screaming and throwing themselves against the sides of their wire cages, and the maggot-infested corpses of dead minks left to rot among the living. Cases of COVID-19 have been found on mink farms in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands, prompting the latter to bring forward its planned ban on fur farming.
PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear” – opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview. For more information, please visit or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
Sascha Camilli +44 (0) 20 7923 6244; [email protected]