This Is What Pamela Anderson Wants for Her Birthday

Posted by on July 1, 2019 | Permalink

Pamela Anderson’s birthday is today, and the only gift that she wants is freedom for Corky the orca, who is the same age as her.

Corky was captured in 1969 off the coast of British Columbia in Canada and has been languishing in SeaWorld’s tiny tanks for decades. She was used in a now-illegal breeding programme in which all seven of her offspring died within weeks. In a new letter to SeaWorld CEO Gustavo Antorcha, Pamela writes:

“Please don’t let her die in a tank that, to her, is comparable to the size of a bathtub.”

To illustrate her point, she appears in a new PETA ad, posing in a tub in her birthday suit beneath the words “Could You Live in a Bathtub for Decades?”

“Corky’s brother and sister are still alive and flourishing in the wild,” Pamela writes, “and a Canadian scientist who has been studying her family wants to bring her home. It’s within your power to release this long-suffering orca to a seaside sanctuary in a protected bay of her home waters.”

Sea Sanctuaries Are a Sure Thing

There’s global momentum for SeaWorld to create sea sanctuaries. The National Aquarium in the US is retiring the dolphins it holds captive – including one who was born at SeaWorld – to just such a habitat, beluga whales are being moved from a Chinese marine park to a sanctuary in Iceland, and Parliament in Pamela’s native Canada just voted to ban dolphin and whale captivity outright.

What You Can Do

Shamefully, TUI still supports the abuse of these animals by selling tickets to SeaWorld. As the marine abusement park faces a plunging stock price and a steady decline in visitor numbers, it’s time that TUI follow in the footsteps of numerous other travel providers – including STA Travel and Thomas Cook – and sever ties with SeaWorld.

Please let TUI know your views and urge the company to stop supporting orca abuse: