Former ‘Playboy’ Model Proves Going Vegan Is the Formula for Success
Wearing a tight-fitting racer girl outfit and holding a sign that read, “Rev Your Engine: Go Vegan!” former Playboy model Victoria Eisermann handed out free vegan sausages from the Redwood Wholefood Company to Formula 1 racing fans at the British Grand Prix at Silverstone on Sunday. Cholesterol and animal fat in meat, eggs and dairy products slow the flow of blood to all the body’s organs and can increase the risk of impotence. Besides leading to animal suffering and environmental degradation on a massive scale, eating meat in the kitchen has a lot to do with what goes on – or doesn’t go on – in the bedroom.
“We want to turn carnivores on … to vegan foods – a natural form of Viagra”, says Eisermann. “So no matter how much muscle you might have under the bonnet, if you want to make sure that your own engine is running on high octane, you should go vegan.”
In addition to the risk of impotence, eating meat and other animal-derived products has been conclusively linked to heart disease, strokes, diabetes, obesity and cancer. And a recent United Nations report concluded that a global shift towards a vegan diet is necessary to combat the worst effects of climate change. Please help to save animals, the environment and your health by pledging to go vegan today!