Lucy Watson Is Fundraising for PETA!

Posted by on February 21, 2017 | Permalink

TV star Lucy Watson is a true friend to animals. She doesn’t just talk the talk but also walks the walk by refusing to buy into industries that hurt animals – whether it be taking a stand against fur because she knows that minks go crazy inside tiny cages, ditching down so that geese’s feathers aren’t ripped out by the fistful for a coat or duvet, choosing make-up that hasn’t been dripped into the eyes of terrified rabbits, or eating vegan meals to prevent cows, pigs, chickens, and other animals from suffering and dying for her dinner. And now, she’s raising urgently needed funds to support our work.

We’re incredibly grateful to have the support of Lucy and caring people like her, who are the beating heart of PETA. It’s only through their generosity that we can continue to release eyewitness exposés revealing what happens to animals away from public view on factory farms and in abattoirs, work with companies to implement animal-friendly policies, invest in humane, cutting-edge science in order to replace archaic animal tests, and provide the public with resources to enable them to make informed choices that help – rather than hurt – animals.

PETA is committed to making the world a kinder place for all living beings, and we won’t relent until all animals are able to live free from abuse. With more people supporting us and donating, we can make that day come a whole lot faster. Add your support here: