Trending Now in Wolverhampton: Interest in Going Vegan Quadruples in Just 12 Months
For Immediate Release:
19 July 2016
Olivia Jordan 020 7837 6327, ext 229; [email protected]
PETA Says Demand for Vegan Starter Kits in the English City Has Skyrocketed
Wolverhampton – The vegan revolution is hitting Wolverhampton in a big way, as PETA reports that demand for its free vegan starter kit – which offers delicious plant-based recipes, easy meal plans, and more – has more than tripled among Wolverhamptonians in the past year. The group reports that 222 locals ordered the guide over the last 12 months, up from 48 the previous year. The news comes after a Google trends report earlier this year found that UK residents are searching online for “vegan” at higher rates than ever before. And research from Mintel found that a whopping 20 per cent of 16- to 24-year-olds in the UK have ditched animal-derived foods. “The benefits of going vegan for our health, animals, and the environment continue to pile up, so it’s no wonder Wolverhamptonians are eager to learn about this compassionate lifestyle”, says PETA Director Mimi Bekhechi. “As delicious plant-based options are easier to find than ever, PETA encourages everyone to make the switch today.”
PETA (whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat”) notes that the total number of orders for its vegan starter kits has surged every year – with 14,000 orders in 2013, 28,300 in 2014, and 35,000 in 2015. The increased interest in plant-based eating follows a report by prominent think tank Chatham House calling for a reduction in meat consumption to combat climate change. In addition, vegans are less likely to suffer from heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and cancer – and the World Health Organisation has added processed meats to its list of cancer-causing foods.
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