Photos: Adult-Film Star Leads Protest Against Russia’s ‘Monkey on Mars’ Mission
For Immediate Release:
13 January 2016
Jennifer White +44 (0) 20 7837 6327, ext 222; [email protected]
At Russian Embassy in London PETA Members Gather With ‘Bleeding Space Monkey’ to Urge Space Agency Not to Send Macaques to Mars
London – Bodypainted as a monkey and wearing a space helmet, adult-film star Samantha Bentley, also known for her appearance in Game of Thrones, lay in a pool of “blood” outside the Russian Embassy today in protest of Russia’s plan to send four macaque monkeys to Mars in 2017. Next to a Russian flag proclaiming, “Monkeys on Mars: One Giant Leap Backwards for Mankind”, other protesters called on Russia to use exclusively high-tech, 21st century space-exploration methods in its space programme – not non-human primates.
Photos from the protest are available here, here and here.
More images from the demonstration available on Rex Features.
“If this experiment goes forward, Russia will return to the darkest days of the Space Race – a time when primates died horrifically from suffocation, overheating and impact”, says PETA Science Policy Adviser, Dr Julia Baines. “PETA is calling on the Russian Federal Space Agency to put a stop to this ill-advised suicide mission and be a true pioneer in modern-day space exploration.”
“I was horrified when I heard about Russia’s plans for the four poor monkeys”, says Bentley. “Knowing how much they would suffer if sent to space, I had to do something. I’m proud to join PETA in campaigning to stop them from being handed a death sentence.”
PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to experiment on” – has also sent a letter urging the Russian space agency to cancel the planned experiment and send the monkeys to a sanctuary where they can live out the rest of their lives in peace, not in space.
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