Jumbo Elephant’s Killer Identified After PETA Germany Reward Offer

For Immediate Release:

20 October 2015


Elisa Allen +44 (0) 75 2541 1733; [email protected]


Group Calls on Authorities to Prevent Rainer Schorr From Importing Trophy Tusks

Berlin – The German man who gunned down an elephant believed to be the largest killed in Africa in 30 years has been identified. Following PETA Germany’s announcement of a €1,000 reward (approximately £730) for confirmation of the hunter’s identity, multiple sources have reported that the man is Rainer Schorr, the CEO of a Berlin-based investment company.

PETA Germany has sent an urgent letter calling on German authorities to refuse to allow Schorr to import the 120-pound elephant tusks that he reportedly took as a trophy. The group and more than 30,000 of its supporters have also called for a general ban on importing hunting trophies into the country.

“This cowardly, miserable trophy hunter thought he could get away with gunning down a majestic elephant, posing with his corpse and concealing these despicable actions from the public”, says PETA US President Ingrid Newkirk. “We’re calling for a ban on importing the grisly trophies of psychotic men like Rainer Schorr and the lion-killing dentist Walter Palmer, who kill for a thrill and a chunk of an animal’s carcass to display on their walls.”

PETA Germany is not alone in seeking an end to trophy hunting. In the wake of the global outrage sparked by Palmer’s similar trophy hunt in Zimbabwe, during which the American dentist shot Cecil the lion with a high-powered crossbow and left him to suffer with a steel arrow through his body for more than 40 hours, PETA US – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to abuse in any way” – has called on the governments of South Africa and Zimbabwe, two of the most popular locations for trophy hunting, to ban canned hunting.

For more information, please visit PETA.org.uk.