The Oven Mitts Are Off: ‘Great Vegan Bake-Off’ Is On

For Immediate Release:

12 August 2014

Ben Williamson +44 (0) 20 7837 6327, ext 229; [email protected]

PETA Launches Competition to Find Best Cruelty-Free Confectionery

London – Following the success of last year’s first-ever vegan bake-off, PETA is inviting people who fancy themselves a bit of a master baker to put their skills to the test and share their favourite vegan creations before the 21 August deadline. Winners will have their recipes shared on PETA’s blog and will be crowned Great Vegan Bake-Off champion for 2014. Last year’s finalists can be seen here.

“Baking is great fun, but with eggs and dairy products often featuring heavily in recipes, it can be murder on the overworked chickens and cows suffering for our sweet tooth”, says PETA’s Mimi Bekhechi. “The great news is that any animal-derived product can easily be replaced to make dishes cruelty-free and healthier to boot – and who wouldn’t want to be a glutton without any of the guilt that normally goes along with it?”

According to new research, huge numbers of us are switching from cows’ milk to non-dairy milk – one in five households now chooses to buy plant-based milks, such as soya, rice, oat, almond and coconut milk. Dairy products and eggs – which contain cholesterol and saturated fat – are two of the main culprits in the obesity epidemic, which contributes to many of the UK’s top killers: heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and cancer. Not only are plant-based meals better for our health and the planet – since livestock farming is one of the biggest contributors to climate change – they also spare millions of animals the horrors of factory farming every year.

Contestants in the Great Vegan Bake-Off are required to post their recipes, along with pictures or video footage, on their blog or YouTube channel and send the URL to [email protected] with “VEGAN BAKE-OFF” in the subject line. Entries must be received before midnight 21 August. 

For full contest details or to enter, please click here or visit
