People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Foundation, a UK-based charity (Registered Charity Number 1056453), operates this website and is solely responsible for its content.
This website contains links to other websites that are maintained by third parties, including websites of other PETA-named international entities, each of which is independent of PETA Foundation. PETA Foundation is not responsible for the contents of any third-party websites and shall not be liable for any claims of alleged damage or injury arising from the contents of such websites. Any links to other websites are provided as a convenience to you as a user of this website and do not imply PETA Foundation’s endorsement of the linked websites or association with their operators.
In addition, while we wholeheartedly encourage visitors to PETA Foundation’s sites to participate in the full range of programmes to help animals, we do not condone nor encourage illegal or tortious activity in any form, and we do not and will not accept responsibility for actions undertaken by third parties, ostensibly on PETA Foundation’s behalf or otherwise, that are tortious and/or illegal.
Depending on context, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Foundation may be referenced as the “PETA Foundation” or “PETA”. Any references to any campaign activities that occurred prior to October 2009 are references to activities undertaken by PETA Europe.